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File: c:/www/apache/doc2//parser/PhpdocParserRegExp.php
PHPDOC 2000/12/03 - PHPDoc


  +-- PhpdocParserRegExp

Defines all regular expressions.


private class PhpdocParserRegExp extends PhpdocObject

Defines all regular expressions.
This class defines all regular expressions. To make theconfiguration and customization of PHPDoc as simple aspossible I decided to define all regular expressions in one class.From a programming point of view there's no need to do so.

AuthorsUlf Wendel <>
Version$Id: $

Direct known subclasses: PhpdocParserTags

Methods inherited from PhpdocObject

setflagoutput, out, nametourl, outl, introspection

Private Method Summary



Builds complex regular expressions for the parser.

Fields inherited from PhpdocObject

$err, $application, $warn, $flag_output

Private Field Summary



Array of phpdoc tags, indexed by the tagname.


Basis regular expressions used to compose complex expressions to grep doc comments.


List of regular expressions used to grep complex doc comments.


Basic RegExps used to analyse PHP Code.


List of regular expressions used to grep complex php code elements.


Array of RegExp matching the syntax of several complex tags.

Private Method Details


private void buildComplexRegExps( )

  Builds complex regular expressions for the parser.
PHPDoc has a small set of basic regular expressions. All complexregular expressions are made out of the basic ones. The compositionin done in this method. Note: every derived class mustcall this method in it's constructor!

Returns void


Private Field Details


private array $PHPDOC_TAGS

>>array( "@parameter" => '@param[eter] (object objectname|type) [$varname] [description]', "@param" => '@param[eter] (object objectname|type) [$varname] [description]', "@return" => '@return (object objectname|type) [$varname] [description]', "@access" => '@access', "@abstract" => '@abstract', "@static" => '@static', "@final" => '@final', "@throws" => '@throws exception [, exception]', "@see" => '@see (function()|$varname|(module|class)(function()|$varname)) [, (funtion()|$varname|(module|class)(function()|$varname))]', "@link" => '@link URL [description]', "@var" => '@var (object objectname|type) [$varname]', "@global" => '@global (object objectname|type) $varname [description]', "@constant" => '@const[ant] label [description]', "@const" => '@const[ant] label [description]', "@author" => '@author Name [<email>] [, Name [<email>]', "@copyright" => '@copyright description', "@version" => '@version label', "@since" => '@since label', "@deprecated" => '@deprec[ated] description', "@deprec" => '@deprec[ated] description', "@brother" => '@(brother|sister) (function()|$varname)', "@sister" => '@(brother|sister) (function()|$varname)', "@include" => '@include description', "@exclude" => '@exclude label', "@modulegroup" => '@modulegroup label', "@module" => '@module label', "@package" => '@package label', "@magic" => '@magic description', "@todo" => '@todo description' )<<

Array of phpdoc tags, indexed by the tagname.
... grepping information is really not a parser. Don'tchange the order the tags are listed. If you introducenew tags write the long variant of the tagname (parameter)in front of the shortcut (param).


private final array $C_BASE

>>array( #"block" => '/\*\*((?:(?!\*).)*(?:\n(?!\s*\*/)\s*\*(?:(?!\*/).)*)*)\*/', "module" => "[^\s]+", "module_separator" => "::", "module_tags" => "(@modulegroup|@module)", "vartype" => "(string|integer|int|long|real|double|float|boolean|bool|mixed|array|object)", "access" => "(private|public)" )<<

Basis regular expressions used to compose complex expressions to grep doc comments.
PHPDoc tries to compose all complex regular expressionsfrom a list of basic ones. This array contains all expressionsused grep complex doc comments and the surrounding keywords.

See Also buildComplexRegExps(), $C_COMPLEX


private final array $C_COMPLEX

>>array( "objectname_optional" => "", "see_var" => "", "see_function" => "", "see_moduleclass" => "", "module_doc" => "", "module_tags" => "", "module_separator" => "", "module_separator_len" => 0, "module_separator_len_neg" => 0 )<<

List of regular expressions used to grep complex doc comments.
As with $PHP_COMPLEX all complex expressions are build using basicones in buildComplexRegExps().

See Also buildComplexRegexps(), $C_BASE


private final array $PHP_BASE

>>array ( "space" => "\s+", "space_optional" => "\s*", "break" => "[\n\r]", "php_open_long" => "<\?php\s", # zend_scanner.l use (space in our case) eighter. Might be slightly faster. "php_open_short" => "<\?", "php_open_asp" => "<%", "php_open_short_print" => "<\?=", "php_open_asp_print" => "<%=", # do not change the single quotes to double ones "label" => '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\xzf-\xff]*', "use" => "(include_once|include|require_once|require)", "assignment" => "\s*([,=])\s*", "boolean" => "(true|false)", "string" => "[^\s]+", "string_enclosed" => "(['\"])(?:\\\\\\1|[^\\1])*?\\1", "int_oct" => "[+-]?\s*0[0-7]+", "int_hex" => "[+-]?\s*0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+", "float" => "[+-]?\s*\d*\.\d+", "float_exponent" => "[+-]?\s*\d*(?:\.\d+)*[eE][+-]?\d+", "number" => "[+-]?\s*\d+", "array" => "array\s*\(", "empty_array" => "array\s*\(\s*\)\s*" )<<

Basic RegExps used to analyse PHP Code.
PHPDoc tries to compose all complex regular expressionsfrom some basic expressions. This array containsall expressions used to build $PHP_COMPLEX.There're some differences to the RegExps in zend-scanner.l,e.g. I decided to write "\s+" instead of "[ \n\r\t]+" whichshould be identical as long as perl compatible regularexpressions are used. Another point is that I did not breakdown numbers to LNUM/DNUM.



private array $PHP_COMPLEX

>>array ( "varname" => "", "functionname" => "", "classname" => "", "php_open_script" => "", "var" => "", "undoc_var" => "", "function" => "", "undoc_function" => "", "class" => "", "undoc_class" => "", "class_extends" => "", "undoc_class_extends" => "", "const" => "", "undoc_const" => "", "use" => "", "undoc_use" => "", "argument" => "", "type_boolean" => "", "type_string" => "", "type_string_enclosed" => "", "type_int_oct" => "", "type_int_hex" => "", "type_float" => "", "type_float_exponent" => "", "type_number" => "", "type_array" => "", "type_empty_array" => "" )<<

List of regular expressions used to grep complex php code elements.
The RegExp of the variable types is slightly changed to thatone in $PHP_BASE, getVariableTypeAndValue() needs this."undoc_*" is used to grep all keywords those who have a doccomment in front and those without. See getPhodocParagraphs()for more details on this.

See Also buildComplexRegExps(), $PHP_BASE


private array $TAGS

>>array ( "return" => "", "var" => "", # @var, @param "global" => "", "access" => "", "module" => "", # @module, @modulegroup "const" => "", # @const, @constant "see_var" => "", # @see "see_function" => "", # @see "see_class" => "", # @see "see_module" => "", # @see "link" => "@([^\s]+)(.*)@is", # @link "brother" => "", "author" => "<\s*([a-z]([-a-z0-9_.])*@([-a-z0-9_]*\.)+[a-z]{2,})\s*>", # @author <email> part "all" => "" # list of all known tags )<<

Array of RegExp matching the syntax of several complex tags.
The array is filled by the constructor.

Packageindex Classtrees Modulegroups Elementlist Report XML Files
PHPDoc 1.0beta