Private Field Details |
private array $PHPDOC_TAGS
"@parameter" => '@param[eter] (object objectname|type) [$varname] [description]',
"@param" => '@param[eter] (object objectname|type) [$varname] [description]',
"@return" => '@return (object objectname|type) [$varname] [description]',
"@access" => '@access',
"@abstract" => '@abstract',
"@static" => '@static',
"@final" => '@final',
"@throws" => '@throws exception [, exception]',
"@see" => '@see (function()|$varname|(module|class)(function()|$varname)) [, (funtion()|$varname|(module|class)(function()|$varname))]',
"@link" => '@link URL [description]',
"@var" => '@var (object objectname|type) [$varname]',
"@global" => '@global (object objectname|type) $varname [description]',
"@constant" => '@const[ant] label [description]',
"@const" => '@const[ant] label [description]',
"@author" => '@author Name [<email>] [, Name [<email>]',
"@copyright" => '@copyright description',
"@version" => '@version label',
"@since" => '@since label',
"@deprecated" => '@deprec[ated] description',
"@deprec" => '@deprec[ated] description',
"@brother" => '@(brother|sister) (function()|$varname)',
"@sister" => '@(brother|sister) (function()|$varname)',
"@include" => '@include description',
"@exclude" => '@exclude label',
"@modulegroup" => '@modulegroup label',
"@module" => '@module label',
"@package" => '@package label',
"@magic" => '@magic description',
"@todo" => '@todo description'
) <<
Array of phpdoc tags, indexed by the tagname.
... grepping information is really not a parser. Don'tchange the order the tags are listed. If you introducenew tags write the long variant of the tagname (parameter)in front of the shortcut (param).
private final array $C_BASE
#"block" => '/\*\*((?:(?!\*).)*(?:\n(?!\s*\*/)\s*\*(?:(?!\*/).)*)*)\*/',
"module" => "[^\s]+",
"module_separator" => "::",
"module_tags" => "(@modulegroup|@module)",
"vartype" => "(string|integer|int|long|real|double|float|boolean|bool|mixed|array|object)",
"access" => "(private|public)"
) <<
Basis regular expressions used to compose complex expressions to grep doc comments.
PHPDoc tries to compose all complex regular expressionsfrom a list of basic ones. This array contains all expressionsused grep complex doc comments and the surrounding keywords.
See Also |
buildComplexRegExps(), $C_COMPLEX |
private final array $C_COMPLEX
"objectname_optional" => "",
"see_var" => "",
"see_function" => "",
"see_moduleclass" => "",
"module_doc" => "",
"module_tags" => "",
"module_separator" => "",
"module_separator_len" => 0,
"module_separator_len_neg" => 0
) <<
List of regular expressions used to grep complex doc comments.
As with $PHP_COMPLEX all complex expressions are build using basicones in buildComplexRegExps().
See Also |
buildComplexRegexps(), $C_BASE |
private final array $PHP_BASE
>>array (
"space" => "\s+",
"space_optional" => "\s*",
"break" => "[\n\r]",
"php_open_long" => "<\?php\s", # zend_scanner.l use (space in our case) eighter. Might be slightly faster.
"php_open_short" => "<\?",
"php_open_asp" => "<%",
"php_open_short_print" => "<\?=",
"php_open_asp_print" => "<%=",
# do not change the single quotes to double ones
"label" => '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\xzf-\xff]*',
"use" => "(include_once|include|require_once|require)",
"assignment" => "\s*([,=])\s*",
"boolean" => "(true|false)",
"string" => "[^\s]+",
"string_enclosed" => "(['\"])(?:\\\\\\1|[^\\1])*?\\1",
"int_oct" => "[+-]?\s*0[0-7]+",
"int_hex" => "[+-]?\s*0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+",
"float" => "[+-]?\s*\d*\.\d+",
"float_exponent" => "[+-]?\s*\d*(?:\.\d+)*[eE][+-]?\d+",
"number" => "[+-]?\s*\d+",
"array" => "array\s*\(",
"empty_array" => "array\s*\(\s*\)\s*"
) <<
Basic RegExps used to analyse PHP Code.
PHPDoc tries to compose all complex regular expressionsfrom some basic expressions. This array containsall expressions used to build $PHP_COMPLEX.There're some differences to the RegExps in zend-scanner.l,e.g. I decided to write "\s+" instead of "[ \n\r\t]+" whichshould be identical as long as perl compatible regularexpressions are used. Another point is that I did not breakdown numbers to LNUM/DNUM.
See Also |
private array $PHP_COMPLEX
>>array (
"varname" => "",
"functionname" => "",
"classname" => "",
"php_open_script" => "",
"var" => "",
"undoc_var" => "",
"function" => "",
"undoc_function" => "",
"class" => "",
"undoc_class" => "",
"class_extends" => "",
"undoc_class_extends" => "",
"const" => "",
"undoc_const" => "",
"use" => "",
"undoc_use" => "",
"argument" => "",
"type_boolean" => "",
"type_string" => "",
"type_string_enclosed" => "",
"type_int_oct" => "",
"type_int_hex" => "",
"type_float" => "",
"type_float_exponent" => "",
"type_number" => "",
"type_array" => "",
"type_empty_array" => ""
) <<
List of regular expressions used to grep complex php code elements.
The RegExp of the variable types is slightly changed to thatone in $PHP_BASE, getVariableTypeAndValue() needs this."undoc_*" is used to grep all keywords those who have a doccomment in front and those without. See getPhodocParagraphs()for more details on this.
See Also |
buildComplexRegExps(), $PHP_BASE |
private array $TAGS
>>array (
"return" => "",
"var" => "", # @var, @param
"global" => "",
"access" => "",
"module" => "", # @module, @modulegroup
"const" => "", # @const, @constant
"see_var" => "", # @see
"see_function" => "", # @see
"see_class" => "", # @see
"see_module" => "", # @see
"link" => "@([^\s]+)(.*)@is", # @link
"brother" => "",
"author" => "<\s*([a-z]([-a-z0-9_.])*@([-a-z0-9_]*\.)+[a-z]{2,})\s*>", # @author <email> part
"all" => "" # list of all known tags
) <<
Array of RegExp matching the syntax of several complex tags.
The array is filled by the constructor.