Packageindex Classtrees Modulegroups Elementlist Report XML Files
File: c:/www/apache/doc2//form/
PHPLib Form Rewrite 2001/03/01 - Form


  +-- form
    +-- example_form

Object oriented HTML form generation and validation.


private class example_form extends form

Object oriented HTML form generation and validation.
The form classes provide a way to generate and validate a HTMLform without the need to write a single line of HTML. Serverside and clientside(JavaScript1.2) validation is done automatically. This code is thesuccessor of the OOH Forms. See pages/form/ for examples.A form consists of an object of this class which controls lots of form elements.Form known all HTML form element types plus some compound types:- button- checkbox- combo (text + select box)- date (lots of select boxes)- file- hidden- image- password- radio- select box- submit- text- textarea- tree (select box with options show as a tree)

AuthorsUlf Wendel <>
Version$Id:,v 1.14 2000/12/19 10:39:49 uw Exp $


Methods inherited from form

setjsmode, setmethod, autoloadvalues, setvalues, validation, validationoff, validationon, setvalidator, getstart, start, getfinish, finish, get, show, addelement, getelement, gettype, getvalue, showelement, validate, setvalidationerror, getvalidationresult, getcustomvalidators, freeze, unfreeze, addjs, getjs, compressjs, thawout, getelements, getoptions, elementexists, setdefaults, adddefaultattributes, getnametranslationlist, getelementnames, clearcode, getsessionhash, setelementnameprefix, ischecked, getnewcombooption, addoption, gettree, settree, ismethodallowed, setjserror, list, setoptions

Methods inherited from form_commonobject


Private Method Summary



Warning: documentation is missing.


Warning: documentation is missing.

Fields inherited from form

$defaults, $elements, $element_names, $element_prefix, $validation_flags, $validation_msg, $hidden_elements, $radio_elements, $js_name, $js_mode, $js_error_prefix, $js_error_postfix, $method, $flag_loader, $flag_contains_file

Fields inherited from form_commonobject

$cr_html, $exceptions

Private Method Details


private void Init( )


Warning: documentation is missing.

Returns void


private void DependencieValidator( )


Warning: documentation is missing.

Returns void

Packageindex Classtrees Modulegroups Elementlist Report XML Files
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