Packageindex Classtrees Modulegroups Elementlist Report XML Files
a b c C D d e E f F g G h H i I j l m n N o P p r s S t u V v w


assistant Class assistant.
Assistant/wizard that guides a user through several forms.
addPage Function in class assistant
Add a page to the assistant
addPage Function in class panemanager
Adds a page to the assistant / tabbed pane
arrayRegexpKeySearch Function in class panemanager
Scans the given array for a key that matches the given regexp.
autoloadValues Function in class form
Loads the form with HTTP_[POST|GET]_VARS.
addElement Function in class form
Adds an element to the form object.
addElement Function in class template_bridge
Adds a new element to the template
addJS Function in class form
Adds JavaScript validation code to an element
addDefaultAttributes Function in class form
Adds default values to an element if they haven't been overriden.
addOption Function in class form
Add a new option to a combo
addOption Function in class form_element_combo
Adds a new option to the option list.
$accept Variable in Class form_element_file
HTML accept attribute.
$align Variable in Class form_element_image
HTML align attribute.
$alt Variable in Class form_element_image
HTML alt attribute.
$accesskey Variable in Class form_element_buttonobject
HTML 4.0 attribute accesskey
$accesskey Variable in Class form_element_checkobject
HTML 4.0 attribute accesskey
$accesskey Variable in Class form_element_selectobject
HTML accesskey attribute.
$accesskey Variable in Class form_element_textobject
HTML 4.0 attribute accesskey.
$accesskey Variable in Class form_element_tree
$additional_html Variable in Class form_element
Additional HTML attributes.
addComment Function in class template_bridge
Adds a comment to the form
addSubmit Function in class template_bridge
Define a submit button - today there's always just on submit button
addReset Function in class template_bridge
Define a reset button
addNext Function in class template_bridge
Define a next step submit button, tribute to tab styled forms
addPrev Function in class template_bridge
Define a previous step submit button, tribute to tab styled forms


$buttonname Variable in Class assistant
Nameprefix of all buttons generated by assistant.
$buttonname Variable in Class panemanager
Nameprefix of all buttons generated by assistant.
$border Variable in Class form_element_image
HTML border attribute.
$button_width Variable in Class panemanager_gifimage
Width of a button.
$button_height Variable in Class panemanager_gifimage
Height of a button.
$button_color Variable in Class panemanager_gifimage
Colors used to render a button.


currentPageName Function in class assistant
Return the name of the current page
currentPageID Function in class assistant
Returns the ID of the current page.
$classname Variable in Class assistant
PHPLIB persistance helper, name of this class.
$classname Variable in Class panemanager
PHPLIB persistance helper, name of this class
compressJS Function in class form
Removes tabs, spaces and newlines from the given JavaScript code.
clearCode Function in class form
Reformate generated code
$checked Variable in Class form_element_checkobject
Flag indication that the element is checked.
$cols Variable in Class form_element_textarea
HTML cols attribute.
$close Variable in Class form_element_tree
checkConfiguration Function in class form_element
Checks the data used to initialize the element.
$class Variable in Class form_element
HTML/CSS class attribute.
colorFlash Function in class template_bridge
If you want to cycle colors on per row or per type base
$colors Variable in Class template_bridge
Array of background colors, override it in your class.
createButton Function in class panemanager_gifimage
Creates a graphical button.
createTab Function in class panemanager_gifimage
Creates (renders) a graphical tab.
$cache_dir Variable in Class panemanager_gifimage
Directory used for cached the the images.
$cache_url Variable in Class panemanager_gifimage
URL used in the src attribute of [input typ="image"]


$CR_HTML Variable in Class form_commonobject
Line break sign used whenever HTML is generated.


DependencieValidator Function in class example_form


$defaults Variable in Class form
Some default values.
$delimiter Variable in Class form_element_tree
doValidation Function in class form_element
Validate this event?
dropImages Function in class template_bridge
Drop some images
dumpForm Function in class template_bridge
Dumps a form to the template. This is no replacement for a custom init()
$default_color Variable in Class panemanager_gifimage
Global default color.


$elements Variable in Class tabbedpane
Array of all elements
$elements Variable in Class form
Array of all elements.
$elements Variable in Class template_bridge
Array of all elements.
$exit Variable in Class panemanager
Label and name of a exit button that always to abort the assistant
example_form Class example_form.
Object oriented HTML form generation and validation.
$element_names Variable in Class form
List of all element names.
$element_prefix Variable in Class form
Global element name prefix.
$elname Variable in Class form_element
Alias name of the element.
$end_form Variable in Class template_bridge
Closing form tag. Eighter generated by Finish() or set by the use with setFinish().
$exceptions Variable in Class form_commonobject
Variable containing the latest exception object


ElementExists Function in class form
Checks the existance of a certain element.


findSelected Function in class assistant
Saves the number of the selected Page to $this->selected
findPosition Function in class assistant
Find the page that was gets shown next.
$flag_specials Variable in Class assistant
Flag, set if specials.
$finish_button Variable in Class panemanager
Label and name of a button that exits the assistant.
$form_start Variable in Class panemanager
Opening form tag.
$form_end Variable in Class panemanager
Closing form tag.
form Class form.
Object oriented HTML form generation and validation.
freeze Function in class form
Freeze an element, frozen elements are drawn in an non editable way.
freeze Function in class form_element
Freeze the form element.
$flag_loader Variable in Class form
Flag indication that you're using the Form Loader.
$flag_contains_file Variable in Class form
Flag indicating that a file upload button is in the form.
form_element_fileupload Class form_element_fileupload.
Generated a fileupload button plus the MAX_FILE_SIZE hidden field that PHP needs.
form_element_file Class form_element_file.
Generates a file upload button.
form_element_image Class form_element_image.
Generates graphical submit buttons, [input type="image"]
form_element_reset Class form_element_reset.
Generates a reset button, [input type="reset"].
form_element_submit Class form_element_submit.
Generates text submit buttons, [input type="submit"].
form_element_buttonobject Class form_element_buttonobject.
Superclass of all buttons.
form_element_checkbox Class form_element_checkbox.
Generates Checkboxes, [input type="checkbox" value=""].
form_checkbox Function in class form_element_checkbox
form_element_radio Class form_element_radio.
Generation of radio elements, [input type="radio" value=""].
form_radio Function in class form_element_radio
form_element_checkobject Class form_element_checkobject.
Superclass of radio and checkbox elements
form_element_combo Class form_element_combo.
Generates a new metatype combo box
form_element_select Class form_element_select.
Generates select boxes, [select].
form_select Function in class form_element_select
form_element_selectobject Class form_element_selectobject.
Superclass of select and combo.
form_element_date Class form_element_date.
Takes a date() format string and renders several select boxes to enter a date and/or time
form_date Function in class form_element_date
form_date_now Function in class form_element_date
$format Variable in Class form_element_date
String describing the format of the date/time that you can enter.
form_element_hidden Class form_element_hidden.
Generates hidden elements.
form_element_password Class form_element_password.
Generates a password input field, [input type="password"]
form_element_text Class form_element_text.
Generates a text input field, [input type="text"].
form_element_textarea Class form_element_textarea.
Generates a [textarea].
form_element_textobject Class form_element_textobject.
Superclass of text input elements.
form_element_tree Class form_element_tree.
Creates a tree view meta type element.
form_element Class form_element.
Superclass of all form elements.
form_element Function in class form_element
Creates a new form element.
$flag_config_ok Variable in Class form_element
$frozen Variable in Class form_element
Is the element frozen?
$form_name Variable in Class form_element
Name of the form that contains the element.
$form Variable in Class template_bridge
Object of form we're working on.
form_commonobject Class form_commonobject.
Superclass of all Form classes.
form_error Class form_error.
Container for all kind of form errors.
form_error Function in class form_error
Takes the error message, the filename and the line number.
$file Variable in Class form_error
File where the error occured.
$font Variable in Class panemanager_gifimage
Path to the ttf font.
$fsize Variable in Class panemanager_gifimage
Font size of a tab.
$flag_button_autosize Variable in Class panemanager_gifimage
$flag_3d Variable in Class panemanager_gifimage
Render 3D tabs?
formloader Module formloader.
Loader of the form stuff.
form_loader Function in module formloader
Includes the main form files.
form_elements_loader Function in module formloader
Includes the form elements files.


Finish Function in class panemanager
Generate, print and return the closing HTML form tag
Finish Function in class form
Generate and print closing -Tag.
Finish Function in class template_bridge
Generate closing -Tag
Form Package


get Function in class assistant
Returns the current page.
get Function in class panemanager
Returns the current page
get Function in class form
Generate the complete form.
get Function in class form_element_fileupload
Returns the HTML code of the element.
get Function in class form_element_file
Returns the HTML code of the element.
get Function in class form_element_image
Returns the HTML code of the element.
get Function in class form_element_reset
Returns the HTML code of the element.
get Function in class form_element_submit
Returns the HTML code of the element.
get Function in class form_element_checkbox
Returns the HTML code of the element.
get Function in class form_element_radio
Returns the HTML code of the element.
get Function in class form_element_combo
Returns the HTML code of the element.
get Function in class form_element_select
Returns the HTML code of the element.
get Function in class form_element_date
Returns the HTML code of the element.
get Function in class form_element_hidden
Returns the HTML code of the element.
get Function in class form_element_text
Returns the HTML code of the element.
get Function in class form_element_textarea
Returns the HTML code of the element.
get Function in class form_element_tree
Returns the HTML code of the element.
get Function in class form_element
Returns the HTML code of the element.
get Function in class template_bridge
Returns the Form
getNeighbour Function in class assistant
Find the previous and the next element of the current element.
getPageNames Function in class assistant
Returns an array with the names of all pages.
getSessionHash Function in class tabbedpane
Return a hash of form values
getSessionHash Function in class form
getResetButton Function in class panemanager
Returns a HTML reset button
getButton Function in class panemanager
Returns a submit button.
getButton Function in class panemanager_gifimage
Returns a submit button.
getTab Function in class panemanager
Generates a tab.
getTab Function in class panemanager_gifimage
Generates a graphical tab.
getStart Function in class panemanager
Generates a
getStart Function in class form
Generates the opening HTML form tag, .
getFinish Function in class panemanager
Generate closing -Tag
getFinish Function in class form
Generates the closing HTML form tag and handles the hidden elements.
getPageValues Function in class panemanager
getPageValuesWithTranslatedNames Function in class panemanager
getElement Function in class form
Generate and return the html representation of an element.
getType Function in class form
Return the type of an element.
getType Function in class form_element
Returns the type of this element.
getValue Function in class form
Return the current value of an element.
getValue Function in class form_element_radio
Returns the value of the radio element if the radio is checked otherwise NULL
getValue Function in class form_element_date
Returns an array with the values of the selected date.
getValue Function in class form_element
Returns the value of an element.
getValidationResult Function in class form
Returns an array that holds the results of the last validation.
getCustomValidators Function in class form
Returns an array of all custom validation functions
getJS Function in class form
Returns JavaScript validation code.
getJS Function in class form_element
Returns JavaScript validation code.
getElements Function in class form
Returns an array of all elements.
getOptions Function in class form
Return an array of all options of a combo list.
getOptions Function in class form_element_tree
getNameTranslationList Function in class form
getElementnames Function in class form
getNewComboOption Function in class form
Returns the latest combo entry of the user
getNewComboOption Function in class form_element_combo
Returns the new combo option entry.
getTree Function in class form
getTree Function in class form_element_tree
getInputFileTag Function in class form_element_file
Returns the input type = file tag.
getfrozen Function in class form_element_file
Returns thr HTML code of the frozen element.
getfrozen Function in class form_element_checkbox
Returns thr HTML code of the frozen element.
getfrozen Function in class form_element_selectobject
Returns thr HTML code of the frozen element.
getfrozen Function in class form_element_password
Returns thr HTML code of the frozen element.
getfrozen Function in class form_element_textobject
Returns thr HTML code of the frozen element.
getfrozen Function in class form_element_tree
Returns thr HTML code of the frozen element.
getfrozen Function in class form_element
Returns thr HTML code of the frozen element.
getFrozen Function in class form_element_image
Returns thr HTML code of the frozen element.
getFrozen Function in class form_element_buttonobject
Returns thr HTML code of the frozen element.
getJSValue Function in class form_element_checkbox
JavaScript function used to get the value of the element.
getJSValue Function in class form_element_radio
JavaScript function used to get the value of the element.
getJSonActivation Function in class form_element_checkobject
Return a JavaScript onClick attribute if strong Javascript validation is active
getJSonActivation Function in class form_element_date
getJSonActivation Function in class form_element
Return a JavaScript onChange attribute if strong Javascript validation is active
getJSvalue Function in class form_element_select
JavaScript function used to get the value of the element.
getJSvalue Function in class form_element_date
JavaScript function used to get the value of the element.
getJSvalue Function in class form_element
JavaScript function used to get the value of the element.
getIntroOptionTags Function in class form_element_selectobject
Returns a HTML string with all intro option tags.
getOptionTags Function in class form_element_selectobject
Returns a HTML string with of all option tags.
generateSelect Function in class form_element_date
Generates a select box.
generateButton Function in class form_element_date
getPreloadValue Function in class form_element_date
getExtraJS Function in class form_element_date
Returns additional JavaScript required by some complex form elements.
getExtraJS Function in class form_element
Returns additional JavaScript required by some complex form elements.
getSubtree Function in class form_element_tree
getValidator Function in class form_element
Returns the name of the custom validation function.
getCommonHTMLAttributes Function in class form_element
Returns a HTML string with the html attributes shared by all element.
getFrozenHiddenElement Function in class form_element
Returns the element as a HTML hidden field.
getFrozenTable Function in class form_element
Returns the elements as a HTML table.
getName Function in class form_element
Returns the HTML/JavaScript name of the element.


GDColor Function in class panemanager_gifimage
Similar to HTMLColor. GDColors must be an array


$help Variable in Class panemanager
Label, name and comment text that belongs to the help button.
$hidden_elements Variable in Class form
Array of hidden elements.
$hspace Variable in Class form_element_image
HTML hspace attribute.
$height Variable in Class form_element_submit
HTML height attribute.


HTMLColor Function in class panemanager_gifimage


isValid Function in class assistant
Are all pages valid, is the requested page valid?
isValid Function in class template_bridge
Are there errors in this form?
issetHTTPXVAR Function in class panemanager
Checks the existance of a HTTP_POST|GET_VARS.
isFinishPressed Function in class panemanager
Is the Button "Finish" pressed?
isExitPressed Function in class panemanager
Is the Button "Exit" pressed?
isHelpPressed Function in class panemanager
Is the Button "Help" pressed?
isChecked Function in class form
Is this checkboxobject checked?
isChecked Function in class form_element_checkbox
Is this checkbox checked?
isMethodAllowed Function in class form
$inputsize Variable in Class form_element_combo
HTML size attribute of the text input field.
isSelected Function in class form_element_selectobject
isSelected Function in class form_element_tree
$intro Variable in Class form_element_selectobject
First option in a select or combo box with some advice to select another option.
$intro Variable in Class form_element_date
Intro option.
$intro Variable in Class form_element_tree
$intro_e Variable in Class form_element_selectobject
Error message used when an intro field gets selected.
$intro_e Variable in Class form_element_date
Intro option error message.
$intro_e Variable in Class form_element_tree
isButton Function in class form_element
Returns true if the element is a button, otherwise false
isHidden Function in class form_element
Is this a hidden element?
$id Variable in Class form_element
HTML/CSS id attribute.
$images Variable in Class template_bridge
Status Images.
$imagepath Variable in Class template_bridge
Path to the Images
introspection Function in class form_commonobject
Dumps Objects and Arrays.


Init Function in class panemanager
Use this method to provide the structure of the assistant
Init Function in class example_form
Init Function in class template_bridge


$js_name Variable in Class form
HTML name attribute of the opening form Tag.
$js_mode Variable in Class form
JavaScript validation mode
$js_mode Variable in Class form_element
JavaScript validation mode.
$js_error_prefix Variable in Class form
JavaScript error message prefix.
$js_error_postfix Variable in Class form
JavaScript error message postfix.
$js_validator Variable in Class form_element
Custom JavaScript validator.


loadFormValues Function in class assistant
Load the form with values before we display it.
$lastviewed Variable in Class assistant
Which page was shown last?
$labels Variable in Class panemanager
Some labels.
list Function in class form
$length_e Variable in Class form_element_file
Length error message.
$length_e Variable in Class form_element_combo
Error message if the length of the text input field ( = new combo option ) is incorrect.
$length_e Variable in Class form_element_textobject
Length error message.
$language Variable in Class form_element_date
Language used in the generated select boxes.
$line Variable in Class form_error
Line number where the error occured.


$mode Variable in Class assistant
"switching mode"
$method Variable in Class panemanager
Method used in the forms.
$method Variable in Class form
Method used in the form.
$method Variable in Class form_element
Method (POST|GET) used in the form.
$maxfilesize Variable in Class form_element_fileupload
$minlength Variable in Class form_element_file
Minimal length of the value of the element ( = user input)
$minlength Variable in Class form_element_combo
Minimal length of the text input field value ( = new combo option ).
$minlength Variable in Class form_element_textobject
Minimal length of the value of the element ( = user input)
$maxlength Variable in Class form_element_file
Maximum length of the value of the element ( = user input)
$maxlength Variable in Class form_element_combo
HTML maxlength attribute of the text input field ( = new combo option ).
$maxlength Variable in Class form_element_textobject
Maximum length of the value of the element ( = user input)
$multiple Variable in Class form_element_select
Is select multiple allowed?
$min_year_long Variable in Class form_element_date
First year of a date("Y") selector.
$max_year_long Variable in Class form_element_date
Last year of a date("Y") selector.
$min_year_short Variable in Class form_element_date
First year of a date("y") selector.
$max_year_short Variable in Class form_element_date
Last year of a date("y") selector.
$maxdept Variable in Class form_element_tree
$message Variable in Class form_error
Error message.


newTemplate Function in class assistant
Creates a new template object.
newTemplate Function in class template_bridge
Create a new instance of template
$now Variable in Class assistant
Which page will be show now?
$now Variable in Class form_element_date
Add a Submit button that allows the user to preload with the current date?
$name Variable in Class form_element
HTML name attribute of the element.


No Package specified Package


$optional_fields Variable in Class form_element_fileupload
List of optional fields provided by a derived class.
$optional_fields Variable in Class form_element_file
List of optional fields provided by a derived class.
$optional_fields Variable in Class form_element_image
List of optional fields provided by a derived class.
$optional_fields Variable in Class form_element_submit
List of optional fields provided by a derived class.
$optional_fields Variable in Class form_element_checkobject
List of optional fields provided by a derived class.
$optional_fields Variable in Class form_element_combo
List of optional fields provided by a derived class.
$optional_fields Variable in Class form_element_select
List of optional fields provided by a derived class.
$optional_fields Variable in Class form_element_date
List of optional fields provided by a derived class.
$optional_fields Variable in Class form_element_text
List of optional fields provided by a derived class.
$optional_fields Variable in Class form_element_textarea
List of optional fields provided by a derived class.
$optional_fields Variable in Class form_element_tree
List of optional fields provided by a derived class.
$optional_fields Variable in Class form_element
List of optional fields provided by a derived class.
$options Variable in Class form_element_selectobject
Array of options.
$options Variable in Class form_element_date
Word translation mapping.
$options Variable in Class form_element_tree
$open Variable in Class form_element_tree
$openall Variable in Class form_element_tree


PageNametoPageID Function in class assistant
Returns the page_id (page__values/page_errors index) that belongs to a page name.


$persistent_slots Variable in Class assistant
PHPLIB persistance helper, list of persistant "slots".
$persistent_slots Variable in Class panemanager
PHPLIB persistance helper, list of persistant "slots"
$page_errors Variable in Class assistant
Array with status (isValid()) information of each page.
panemanager Class panemanager.
Base class of Assistant and TabbedPane. This class holds some functions to
$page_values Variable in Class panemanager
Hash with form values of all pages
$pages Variable in Class panemanager
Array of pages.
$preload Variable in Class form_element_date
Preload selectors with the current date?
panemanager_gifimage Class panemanager_gifimage.
Renders GIF image buttons.


restoreAssistant Function in class assistant
Restores the Assistant. Load the pages with values, sets validation flags etc.
restoreAssistant Function in class panemanager
Restores the Assistant. Load the pages with values, sets validation flags etc.
restoreSessionHash Function in class tabbedpane
Restores a session hash
$radio_elements Variable in Class form
Array of radio elements.
$readonly Variable in Class form_element_combo
HTML readonly attribute of the text input field.
$readonly Variable in Class form_element_textobject
HTML 4.0 attribute readonly.
$required_fields Variable in Class form_element_selectobject
List of required fields provided by a derived class.
$required_fields Variable in Class form_element_date
List of required fields provided by a derived class.
$required_fields Variable in Class form_element
List of required fields provided by a derived class.
$rows Variable in Class form_element_textarea
HTML row attribute.
react Function in class form_element
Defines the events that will be validated.


setTemplatePath Function in class assistant
Sets the path to the templates
setTemplatePath Function in class template_bridge
Sets the path to the template
setTemplateFiles Function in class assistant
Set the template files
setTemplateFiles Function in class template_bridge
Sets the template files
show Function in class assistant
Prints and returns the HTML code of the assistant.
show Function in class panemanager
print, generate and return the current page
show Function in class form
Generate and print the complete form.
show Function in class form_element
Print version of get().
show Function in class template_bridge
Show the generated form
saveFormValues Function in class assistant
Get the values of the last form.
setPageErrors Function in class assistant
Sets the error flags of all pages.
setMode Function in class assistant
Sets the "switching mode".
$selected Variable in Class assistant
Which page was selected by the user?
$selected Variable in Class form_element_tree
setHelp Function in class panemanager
Set the label, name and comment text that belongs to the help button
setExitButton Function in class panemanager
Set the laben and the name of the exit button
setFinishButton Function in class panemanager
Sets the label and name of a button that allows to exit the assistant as soon as all forms are valid.
showTabs Function in class panemanager
Generate tabs?
setStart Function in class panemanager
Sets the opening form tag.
setStart Function in class template_bridge
Sets the opening form tag
setMethod Function in class panemanager
Sets the method used by all pages
setMethod Function in class form
Sets the method used by this form.
setMethod Function in class template_bridge
Set the method used in the form. Form needs it for autoloadValues().
setFinish Function in class panemanager
Sets the closing HTML form tag.
setFinish Function in class template_bridge
Sets the closing form tag
setLabels Function in class panemanager
Set the label of a button.
$show_tabs Variable in Class panemanager
Show tabs?
$show_prevnext Variable in Class panemanager
Show prev- and next-button?
setJSMode Function in class form
Sets the JavaScript validation mode.
setValues Function in class form
Sets the value of one element or a group of elements.
setValidator Function in class form
Sets the name of a custom validation function.
setValidator Function in class form_element
Sets the name of the custom validation function.
showElement Function in class form
Return and print an element.
setValidationError Function in class form
Sets the validation error message for of an element.
setDefaults Function in class form
Sets default element attributes.
setElementnamePrefix Function in class form
Sets a global Prefix for element names.
setTree Function in class form
Set the tree of an treeview element
setTree Function in class form_element_tree
setJSError Function in class form
Sets the JavaScript error message pre- and postfix text.
setOptions Function in class form
setOptions Function in class form_element_selectobject
Sets the option list of the select or combo box.
$size Variable in Class form_element_file
HTML size attribute.
$size Variable in Class form_element_selectobject
HTML size attribute.
$size Variable in Class form_element_text
HTML size attribute.
$src Variable in Class form_element_image
HTML src attribute.
$shared_required_fields Variable in Class form_element_image
List of required fields every element needs and their type.
$shared_required_fields Variable in Class form_element
List of required fields every element needs and their type.
setValue Function in class form_element_radio
Sets the value of the form element.
setValue Function in class form_element_selectobject
Sets the current value.
setValue Function in class form_element
Sets the value of the form element.
sortOptions Function in class form_element_combo
Sorts the option list if sort is not equal "top" and cares on sort_icase.
sortOptionList Function in class form_element_combo
Sorts an array.
$sort Variable in Class form_element_combo
Where will new options appear in the select box?
$sort_icase Variable in Class form_element_combo
Sort case insensitive?
$seperators Variable in Class form_element_selectobject
Undocumented and unimplemented. FIXME
$seperators_e Variable in Class form_element_selectobject
Error message used when a selector gets selected
setup Function in class form_element_date
Initializes $max_year_long and $max_year_short.
setup Function in class form_element
Kind of a constructor of a derived form element.
sortTree Function in class form_element_tree
$step Variable in Class form_element_tree
$style Variable in Class form_element
HTML/CSS style attribute
$shared_optional_fields Variable in Class form_element
List of optional fields and their type.
setForm Function in class template_bridge
Defines the form to use
setImagepath Function in class template_bridge
Were are the images stored?
setImages Function in class template_bridge
If you want to use images to assign the status of a field, define them.
$start_form Variable in Class template_bridge
Opening form tag. Eigther generated by Start() or set by the user with setStart().


Start Function in class panemanager
Generate, print and return the opening HTML form tag.
Start Function in class form
Generate and print
Start Function in class template_bridge
Generate -Tag
StatusImage Function in class template_bridge
Return a status image if available


$tpl Variable in Class assistant
Template object.
$tpl Variable in Class template_bridge
Template object
$template Variable in Class assistant
Path to the template files.
$template Variable in Class template_bridge
Path to the template files, set by the constructor.
$template_files Variable in Class assistant
Template files.
$template_files Variable in Class template_bridge
Template files.
tabbedpane Class tabbedpane.
Base class of Assistant and TabbedPane. This class holds some functions to
thawout Function in class form
Thaw out an element.
thawout Function in class form_element
Alias for unfreeze().
$tabindex Variable in Class form_element_buttonobject
HTML 4.0 attribute tabindex
$tabindex Variable in Class form_element_checkobject
HTML 4.0 attribute tabindex
$tabindex Variable in Class form_element_selectobject
HTML tabindex attribute.
$tabindex Variable in Class form_element_textobject
HTML 4.0 attribute tabindex.
$tabindex Variable in Class form_element_tree
$tree Variable in Class form_element_tree
$treelist Variable in Class form_element_tree
$treeindex Variable in Class form_element_tree
template_bridge Class template_bridge.
Joins OOH Forms and Template to build automatically complex one column forms
template_bridge Function in class template_bridge
$tab_width Variable in Class panemanager_gifimage
Width of a tab.
$tab_height Variable in Class panemanager_gifimage
Height of a tab.
$tab_bgcolor Variable in Class panemanager_gifimage
Background color used in the template.
$tab_color Variable in Class panemanager_gifimage
Colors used to render the tabs.
$tab_border Variable in Class panemanager_gifimage
Border attribute of the tabs.


updatePageErrors Function in class assistant
If you override some page_values in Init() you have to update the page validation flags.
$unknowns Variable in Class assistant
How to handle unknowns.
$unknowns Variable in Class template_bridge
How to handle unknown placeholder.
unfreeze Function in class form
Thaw out an element.
unfreeze Function in class form_element
Thaw out the object
$usemap Variable in Class form_element_image
HTML usemap attribute.


Validation Function in class form
Controls the default validation of an element.
ValidationOff Function in class form
Public handle to turn default validation off.
ValidationOn Function in class form
Public handle to turn default validation on.


validate Function in class form
Validate a form.
validate Function in class form_element_file
Returns the result of the (serverside) validation.
validate Function in class form_element_combo
Returns the result of the (serverside) validation.
validate Function in class form_element_select
Returns the result of the (serverside) validation.
validate Function in class form_element_textobject
Returns the result of the (serverside) validation.
validate Function in class form_element_tree
Returns the result of the (serverside) validation.
validate Function in class form_element
Returns the result of the (serverside) validation.
$validation_flags Variable in Class form
Results of the last validation.
$validation_msg Variable in Class form
String with all error messages.
$valid_e Variable in Class form_element_file
Regular expression error message
$valid_e Variable in Class form_element_combo
Error message of RegExp errors.
$valid_e Variable in Class form_element_textobject
Regular expression error message.
$valid_regex Variable in Class form_element_file
Regular expression used to validate the value of the element ( = user input)
$valid_regex Variable in Class form_element_combo
RegExp used to validate the text input field ( = new combo option ).
$valid_regex Variable in Class form_element_textobject
Regular expression used to validate the value of the element ( = user input)
$valid_icase Variable in Class form_element_file
Regular expression validation case insensitive?
$valid_icase Variable in Class form_element_combo
Case insensitive validation?
$valid_icase Variable in Class form_element_textobject
Regular expression validation case insensitive?
$vspace Variable in Class form_element_image
HTML vspace attribute.
validateTextInputEntry Function in class form_element_combo
Validates the value of the text input field ( = new combo option )
validateIntro Function in class form_element_selectobject
Checks whether an intro option was selected.
validateRegEx Function in class form_element_textarea
Compare the element value with the specified RegExp.
validateRegEx Function in class form_element
Compare the element value with the specified RegExp.
$valid_global Variable in Class form_element_textarea
Perform a multiline search?
validateLength Function in class form_element
Validate the length of the input value.
$value Variable in Class form_element
Value of the element.
$val_events Variable in Class form_element
Check for ... errors.
$validator Variable in Class form_element
Name of a custom validation function provided by the user.


$width Variable in Class form_element_submit
HTML width attribute.
$wrap Variable in Class form_element_textarea
HTML wrap attribute.
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