Packageindex Classtrees Modulegroups Elementlist Report XML Files
File: c:/www/apache/doc2//form/
PHPLib Form Rewrite 2001/03/01 - Form


  +-- form_element
    +-- form_element_selectobject
      +-- form_element_combo

Generates a new metatype combo box


private class form_element_combo extends form_element_selectobject

Generates a new metatype combo box

AuthorsUlf Wendel <>
Version$Id:,v 1.5 2000/12/12 01:37:36 uw Exp $


Methods inherited from form_element_selectobject

setoptions, isselected, setvalue, validateintro, getintrooptiontags, getoptiontags, getfrozen

Methods inherited from form_element

form_element, setup, checkconfiguration, getvalue, gettype, isbutton, getvalidator, setvalidator, freeze, unfreeze, thawout, getfrozen, show, validatelength, validateregex, dovalidation, react, setvalue, getjsonactivation, getcommonhtmlattributes, getfrozenhiddenelement, getfrozentable, getjs, getjsvalue, getextrajs, getname, ishidden

Methods inherited from form_commonobject


Public Method Summary


addOption(string $label, [ mixed $value ])

Adds a new option to the option list.

Private Method Summary



Validates the value of the text input field ( = new combo option )


Returns the new combo option entry.


Sorts the option list if sort is not equal "top" and cares on sort_icase.

sortOptionList(array $options)

Sorts an array.

get([ string $value ])

Returns the HTML code of the element.Warning: documentation is missing.


Returns the result of the (serverside) validation.Warning: documentation is missing.

Fields inherited from form_element_selectobject

$size, $intro, $intro_e, $seperators, $seperators_e, $options, $accesskey, $tabindex, $required_fields

Fields inherited from form_element

$flag_config_ok, $elname, $name, $value, $additional_html, $frozen, $class, $id, $style, $shared_required_fields, $required_fields, $shared_optional_fields, $method, $val_events, $js_mode, $form_name, $validator, $js_validator

Fields inherited from form_commonobject

$cr_html, $exceptions

Private Field Summary



HTML size attribute of the text input field.


Minimal length of the text input field value ( = new combo option ).


HTML maxlength attribute of the text input field ( = new combo option ).


Error message if the length of the text input field ( = new combo option ) is incorrect.


RegExp used to validate the text input field ( = new combo option ).


Case insensitive validation?


Error message of RegExp errors.


HTML readonly attribute of the text input field.


Where will new options appear in the select box?


Sort case insensitive?


List of optional fields provided by a derived class.

Public Method Details


public boolean addOption( string $label, [ mixed $value ] )

  Adds a new option to the option list.
Combo boxes are a little complicated. You have to do thesession handling of new options in your scripts. Usethis function to add a new option to the option list.See the examples for further instructions.

string $label
mixed $value = >>""<<
Returns boolean

Throws form_error
See Also getNewComboOption()

Private Method Details


private boolean validateTextInputEntry( )

  Validates the value of the text input field ( = new combo option )

Returns boolean $error

array [0] = $ok, $error[1] = $messages

See Also getNewComboOption(), validate()


private string getNewComboOption( )

  Returns the new combo option entry.

Returns string

If there's no valid entry an empty string is returned.

See Also validateTextInputEntry()


private void sortOptions( )

  Sorts the option list if sort is not equal "top" and cares on sort_icase.

Returns void


private array sortOptionList( array $options )

  Sorts an array.

array $options
Returns array


private void get( [ string $value ] )

  Returns the HTML code of the element.

Warning: documentation is missing.

string $value = >>""<<
The value is only used with radio buttons.
If the given value is equal to the value of the
element when it was defined, the radio gets selected.
Returns void

See Also getfrozen(), show()


private void validate( )

  Returns the result of the (serverside) validation.

Warning: documentation is missing.

Returns void

See Also validateLength(), validateRegEx(), doValidation()

Private Field Details


private integer $inputsize


HTML size attribute of the text input field.


private integer $minlength


Minimal length of the text input field value ( = new combo option ).

See Also $maxlength, $length_e


private integer $maxlength


HTML maxlength attribute of the text input field ( = new combo option ).
The attribute is not only use as HTML attribute but also by validate().

See Also $minlength, $length_e


private string $length_e


Error message if the length of the text input field ( = new combo option ) is incorrect.
This error message will appear when the value of thetext input field is out of the range defined by minlength undmaxlength.

See Also $minlength, $maxlength


private string $valid_regex


RegExp used to validate the text input field ( = new combo option ).

See Also $valid_icase, $valid_e


private boolean $valid_icase


Case insensitive validation?

See Also $valid_regex, $valid_e


private string $valid_e


Error message of RegExp errors.
Note that you have to set $valid_regex if you want some validation...

See Also $valid_regex, $valid_icase


private boolean $readonly


HTML readonly attribute of the text input field.
Doesn't really make sense - will probably disappear.


private string $sort


Where will new options appear in the select box?
You can choose where new options will appear in theselect box. By default they will appear at the topbut you can choose to sort them in alphabetical orderor reverse alphabetical order eighter.

See Also $sort_icase


private boolean $sort_icase


Sort case insensitive?

See Also $sort


private array $optional_fields

>>array ( "size" => "integer", "intro" => "mixed", "intro_e" => "string", "seperators" => "array", "seperators_e" => "string", "accesskey" => "string", "tabindex" => "integer", "inputsize" => "integer", "minlength" => "integer", "maxlength" => "integer", "length_e" => "string", "valid_regex" => "string", "valid_icase" => "boolean", "valid_e" => "string", "readonly" => "boolean", "sort" => "string" )<<

List of optional fields provided by a derived class.

See Also $shared_optional_fields, $required_fields

Packageindex Classtrees Modulegroups Elementlist Report XML Files
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