Packageindex Classtrees Modulegroups Elementlist Report XML Files
File: c:/www/apache/doc2//form/
PHPLib Form Rewrite 2001/03/01 - Form


  +-- form_element
    +-- form_element_textobject

Superclass of text input elements.


private abstract class form_element_textobject extends form_element

Superclass of text input elements.
You cannot use this element in your forms. It a superclassfor the HTML form elements "text" and "textarea".

AuthorsUlf Wendel <>
Version$Id:,v 1.4 2000/12/12 01:37:43 uw Exp $

Direct known subclasses: form_element_text, form_element_textarea

Methods inherited from form_element

form_element, setup, checkconfiguration, getvalue, gettype, isbutton, getvalidator, setvalidator, freeze, unfreeze, thawout, get, show, validatelength, validateregex, dovalidation, react, setvalue, getjsonactivation, getcommonhtmlattributes, getfrozenhiddenelement, getfrozentable, getjs, getjsvalue, getextrajs, getname, ishidden

Methods inherited from form_commonobject


Private Method Summary



Returns the result of the (serverside) validation.Warning: documentation is missing.

getfrozen([ string $value ])

Returns thr HTML code of the frozen element.Warning: documentation is missing.

Fields inherited from form_element

$flag_config_ok, $elname, $name, $value, $additional_html, $frozen, $class, $id, $style, $shared_required_fields, $required_fields, $shared_optional_fields, $optional_fields, $method, $val_events, $js_mode, $form_name, $validator, $js_validator

Fields inherited from form_commonobject

$cr_html, $exceptions

Private Field Summary



Length error message.


Minimal length of the value of the element ( = user input)


Maximum length of the value of the element ( = user input)


Regular expression error message.


Regular expression used to validate the value of the element ( = user input)


Regular expression validation case insensitive?


HTML 4.0 attribute readonly.


HTML 4.0 attribute accesskey.


HTML 4.0 attribute tabindex.

Private Method Details


private void validate( )

  Returns the result of the (serverside) validation.

Warning: documentation is missing.

Returns void

See Also validateLength(), validateRegEx(), doValidation()


private void getfrozen( [ string $value ] )

  Returns thr HTML code of the frozen element.

Warning: documentation is missing.

string $value = >>""<<
The value is only used with radio buttons.
If the given value is equal to the value of the
element when it was defined, the radio gets selected.
Returns void

See Also get(), show()

Private Field Details


private string $length_e


Length error message.
Error message used to indicate that the length of the value of the elementis eigther smaller than minlength or bigger than maxlength. If no messageis given the length gets not validated. Used together with maxlengthand minlength you can control the length of the user input.

See Also $minlength, $maxlength


private integer $minlength


Minimal length of the value of the element ( = user input)

See Also $length_e, $maxlength


private integer $maxlength


Maximum length of the value of the element ( = user input)
Used as HTML attribute (only form_element_text)as well as for the serverside validation.

See Also $length_e, $minlength


private string $valid_e


Regular expression error message.
Error message used to indicate that the value of the elementdoesn't math the regular expression specified with valid_regex.If no message is given the value gets not validated. Used withvalid_regex and optionally valid_icase you can make sure thatthe user input follows certain rules, e.g. some that doa simple e-mail validation. The RegExp must follow JavaScript (Perl 4)and preg_* rules.

See Also $valid_regex, $valid_icase


private string $valid_regex


Regular expression used to validate the value of the element ( = user input)

See Also $valid_e, $valid_icase


private boolean $valid_icase


Regular expression validation case insensitive?

See Also $valid_e, $valid_regex


private boolean $readonly


HTML 4.0 attribute readonly.
There's no warranty that all major browsers support this attribute.You should consider using the freeze feature instead.


private string $accesskey


HTML 4.0 attribute accesskey.
There's no warranty that all all major browsers support this attribute.


private integer $tabindex


HTML 4.0 attribute tabindex.
There's no warranty that all all major browsers support this attribute.

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